Custom development of Operator or Maintainer simulations. Recreation of your interface(s)/tools/devices and provide free play or scenario based training for startup/shutdown, normal or abnormal operations, troubleshooting etc.
xAPI, CMI5, S1000D, SCORM, SalesForce, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, AI … inXsol’s R&D, industry participation and completed projects embrace new and emerging technologies/standards.
Training scenarios such as radio communications for incident command or customer service interactions. Development of avatars for realistic interaction and assessment.
Our developer team has experience with leading tools including: Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate and others. Our À la carte services can include, production from storyboards, instructional design, script writing, media/videography, managing production, translation, ASD-STE100 Simplified technical English, ADA compatibility and LMS integration.
When commercial authoring tools lack sophistication for interactivity, maintainability/production, liquid layout, ADA, LMS integrations and other reasons we have libraries and ability to develop new custom course-ware which can be XML/JSON driven enabling content grid (Excel/Google Docs) or custom Content Management System (CMS) authoring.
Interactive models for instructor or student use to understand theory of operation. Simulated control panels and devices for practice. Logging of actions for certification/analytics.