HazMat Risk Management, Readiness and Training Platform

May 01, 2023

A unique aspect of hazardous material incidents is that they affect stakeholders in the community with different
roles and priorities. Workers in facilities who regularly use or handle hazardous materials, transportation
carriers, neighboring communities, first responders, and first receivers (health care workers) are all at risk of
health impacts from hazardous materials. Communities can increase their resilience to a hazardous materials
incident in several ways, including reducing the likelihood of a release, being prepared to respond to a potential
release, and effectively responding if a release does occur. We believe technology advancements and new
training strategies can better equip communities for risk reduction and the rapid and effective response to
incidents. The technology advancements proposed will collectively cover the HazMat risk life cycle from a
facilities prevention and risk management perspective, a first responders pre-planning specific to risks in their
community and a HazMat Incident Command training platform.